Perl script to create this quicknotes page

Sunday, 26 May 2024

I use quicknote, written in Go, to add the links to an intermediate page, and then the following Perl to push it to the server. This is rough, rookie code at its finest.

I like Perl.

#!/usr/bin/env -S perl -w

use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
use DateTime;
use File::Copy;
use Cwd qw(getcwd);

my $description = $ARGV[0];

if (not defined $description) {
    print "Please pass even a paltry introductory sentence in quotes. Thanks.\n";

sub get_quicknotes {
    my $quicknote_file = "/home/lemon/Documents/Notes/";
    my $bak = "/home/lemon/Documents/Notes/";
    copy($quicknote_file, $bak) or die "Failed to make backup of file: $!";
    my @quicknotes;
    open my $fh, "<", $quicknote_file or die "Cannot open file";
    while (<$fh>) {
        if ($_ =~ /^- (.*)$/) {
            push @quicknotes => "- $1\n";
    truncate $quicknote_file, 0;
    return \@quicknotes;

my $now = DateTime->now;
my $day_name = $now->day_name;
my $day = $now->day;
my $month = $now->month_name;
my $year = $now->year;

my $outfile = "/home/lemon/code/html/${day}_${month}_$";

my $frontmatter = <<TEXT;
title: "Quicknote capture $day_name $day $month $year"
date: $now
draft: false
categories: ["Tech"]
tags: ['quicknotes']



my $qn_ref = get_quicknotes();
open my $FH, ">>", $outfile or die $!;
print $FH $frontmatter;
foreach (@{$qn_ref}) {
    print $FH $_;

chdir "/home/lemon/code/html/";
say getcwd();
my @gitaddcmd = ("git add -A");
my @gitcommitcmd = ("git commit -m 'update'");
my @gitpushcmd = ("git push");
my @pushcmd = ("make push");
system(@pushcmd) or die "Cannot push the file to the remote: $?";
system(@gitaddcmd) or die "Cannot do git add $?";
system(@gitcommitcmd) or die "Cannot do git commit: $?";
system(@gitpushcmd) or die "Cannot do git push: $?";

say "Done!";
This post is tagged with: perl

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